Many years ago, we purchased new pieces of dinnerware called cafe ware and these pieces are all white. This worked well for a number of years, but with the new kitchen, we wanted to have some more exciting colors. In January, we purchased some red plates and bowls, which we really like, and it inspired us to look for additional colors.
We recently stopped at the local kitchen store: Kitchen Kaboodle to see what was available. We didn’t like the green color offerings found on may of their dinnerware pieces, but then we arrived at the last items on their shelves from Sengware.
Now when we prepare different dishes, we have to consider how it will look with the different colors. For instance, last night we had some spiral sliced ham from Costco with a Italian Style Risotto (also from Costco). This was a fast meal to prepare as it was late when we arrived home after exercising. We also cooked some green beans, but we thought they would not look as well on the green (pistachio) plates, so I sliced some tomatoes to add some contrasting colors.
Now there is just one more thing to think about, does the chicken recipe look best on the yellow or green plates? Now what vegetable provides the proper contrast? I may have to occasionally use the white plates.
Adventures In Food: Author: Kerry Howell
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