I got out the new pan and set it to head on the range top while I sliced some nice Tillamook medium cheddar
I placed the plain bread (no margarine) into the pan and set the lid in place and cooked it for 2 or three minutes. I flipped the sandwich and it looked great! Replacing the lid, I cooked it for another 2 minutes. Everything is going great.
When I lifted the sandwich from the pan, a small piece of cheese slipped out into the pan and started to sear. I quickly removed as much of the cheese as I could, but the remaining cheese baked into a brown lump. Hmmm, maybe I have the pan just a little too hot.
The one drawback to the multi-ply pans is that once they are hot, they stay hot for a long time. I ran warm water into the pan and gradually decreased the temperature trying to cool off the pan so I could clean it. Finally, after several minutes the pan was cool enough not to burn me as I cleaned it to get out the remaining cheese.
I checked my sandwich and it was a little dark brown on the bottom, but still edible.
I went back, tried again, this time with a little margarine on the bread, and turned out a great sandwich for my wife.
The next time I make grilled cheese; I will use the no margarine method again with lower heat. It is nice having a the outside crisp instead of being soggy with margarine and it adds a nice texture to the grilled cheese sandwich.
Adventures In Food: Author: Kerry Howell
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