Monday, February 8, 2010


I have always had some interest in cooking. Every Christmas, I make hundreds of cookies with our family favorite being a ginger cookie. Our son loves these cookies! I also make caramel corn that we give to family and friends (both of the recipes I will provide in later posts).

So why how did I get involved in the cooking? For almost 30 years my wife has planned and prepared our dinner and done an excellent job and I prepare handle the BBQ portion of our menu. Summer, winter, rain it doesn't matter, I will cook BBQ a couple of times a month. After I was downsized at my last company, we had a choice to remodel our kitchen or go on a trip to Europe. We decided to move forward with our kitchen remodel that we had been planning for almost a year. It was, but the kitchen won. I will discuss the remodel process and results in a later post. While our kitchen was torn apart, I did the cooking on a two burner Colman camp stove either outside or in our garage. The little stove worked very well for that period and it has provided me new recipes for our camping trips.

Once the remodel was finished, I continued planning and cooking the meals on the new gas range. I love the features of our Electrolux duel fuel (electric oven and gas cook elements). It has been a lot of fun developing new skills and trying new recipes, some have been great, others, well... More on all these adventures coming soon.

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